

Bloggen ! BACK ! after days ! SHOWIEH ! busy with mams ! LAWL :P
aaaaanyways ! This September Is Like Kinna pweetayhkewl!
Because its started with fooood!
So on the First September mom tried a new recipe wich turns into like so friggin' superdeliciousfoodevermymommadid !! Infact , once she told , papa keeps falling for her just because of her super delicious food ! HEE !! Iloveherlikealotandiloveherfoodthatshecookliketons ! ijustloveit !! 

Then , The Second of september too started with food ! LAWL ! We had a dinner for newly married couples ! it was so  awesome !! Agad some picture of it ! enjoyandcraveforit ! :pp

The Some Kinda Delicious Name Briyani :p

Second Yummey Shot :D

||Chicken Something ! hahaks ! Lupa-ed The Name :))||
||I See Chicken , Do You ?? :PP||
||Clear Version Of It :DD||
|| Fried Chicken ||
|| Lamb Somethng,They Call ''AAtu Varuval'' in tamil ! My Fav ! :DD ||
|| Udang Sambal :D <3 <3 !! ||

SuperDelicious kan ?? LOL ! Theeeeeen , While we [ me and my sissey ] were helping mum cleanin up stuffs we had some fun of snapping pictures wich was quiet ''insanely unique''.. Here We Go .. :)

|| Second Shot :DD ||
|| ''Dried Fruits'' :DD ||
|| Thats My sisseys Hands On Top . LOL ! *Very The Important U Know ||
|| We Actually Forgt To Wash Mr.Grapes Together With Other Fruits , So He Was Left Behind ! LOL ! ||
|| And There She Goes , Miss . Fruitamma :DDDDD ||
|| Miss . Manggamma . ||

So , Its All About FOOOD !! and i love it :D i love food ! seriously ! i'll keep falling encorely when it comes to food ! :DD 

as my sisey owis says this , ||Nothing Is Beautiful Than Food  ||,  I Do Agree ! :)

ps : ||Nothing Is Beautiful Than Food  || :DD <3  


||4th September , Unforgetable day .||

 Bloggen ,

||HUSHS|| Its DILA'S BORN'D !! Lets give her a bloody suprise !

|| The Birthday Pincess . ||



Showieh For One And Half And Hour Late ! LOL !

happyyy ''MOMMA GAVE BIRTH TO YOU''Daaaaaaaayyy !!!

awill never forget this day in my life ! lol ! this is the day whr i and ya daddy get our pure pwicious symbol of love , thats you :) ! LOL

Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this day will bring you an extra share of all that makes you happiest ...

Happy Sweet Sixteen And Don't Need To Act Grown Up !

Dila , U meant to me MORE THEN I , YOU AND EVRYONE KNOWS ! and its a speacial day for me too ! :) Hope you have a blast on te day of yas !!



|| awish her . ||

 thats all !! BYE !!



|| Firstey Powstey , Bloggey Getta Namey . ||

Mr.Bloggey ,

TAHDAAAAH !! m here FINNAAALLLYYY ||SCREAM and JUMPS|| ! omg ! omg ! omg !

can u || b e l i e v e || this ?
LAWL ! I CAN'T i can't !! Wanted to have a VERY macho , sweet, awesome , kewl blog of mine , BBBUUTTT , u know , me with my HECTIC screwed up life ! Grr .. OKAYH ! Don't Talk About Past ! LoL ! M here ! Thats the IMPORTANT thanggy now !

Oh Mr.Bloggey ! You must be wondering || WHY MACHO ?! || LoL ! Before that , Bare this in ya mind ! || YOU ARE A MALE .||
heeee ! i know it's sounds funny ! bt yess you're male . :pp OH ! you gotta NAME too ! YESS ! I've thinked few names for you but only one captured my mind :p happy ? IMAGINE ! you gotta name ! HAHAHA . okayh ! i know u can't wait to hear it . Here We Go ..

Me , Kamalavaashnee , the owner of this blog , naming you as || BLOGEN , BLOGEN , BLOGEN || ! So Blogen , I hope u ''LOVE'' that name instead of liking it :p oh yeah ! Trust me ! we can be the
|| Goody Giddy Bestest Buddy || ;)

Thats all for now ! I'll catcha in the next post ! 

ps : I Crap Alot :)


|| Welcome To My Blog . ||