
its amazing how you feel lucky to have music to breath . no , im not talking abt the music that you just hear by ears . For me , music is something that i feel from what i produce . listening to music and feeling the music is diffrent but when you have the music by your hands , mind and heart is something that every one should feel . do you guys get it ? its like , you play piano and when you feel the sound goes through your hands and your ears and your mind and your heart theres something happends in you , something  like the feel when it just vanish into thin air inside you and tickles your heart , it makes you happy , it makes you feel lucky that you can produce sound where everyonelse who are not in music can't . Music accept you as how you are , lets you be who you are , it makes you realise how good and preety and soft you are inside , music understands you . makes you spark and you will be happy , just happy . i want to live in music festival forever , wouldnt that be perfect ? cause , sometimes , you need it to block of your thoughts . sometimes , writing music is the only way to escape .

do you guys get whatever im trying to crap over here !? simple , you hear people playing instruments and produce music and you feel them inside you , you feel that sound inside you , but when you play the instruments and you feel your own sound , THATS you , THATS yourself , and you just feel magical , easy and feelin lucky to own it . i know i might make people who dont do music jelly but , i need to tell the music and the world how much i appreciate and love and realise what i have in my hands .

well , feeling cold . im out . 



truth is , i am stubborn as hell , i say sorry too much . i act like i dont give a fuck because i care too much . i over analyze the smallest of things & probably come off as a bitch to simply guard myself .