
Hollah bloggayh ! Well well , its not the time for me to CAKAP CERITA MAK NENEK ! straight coming to the story ! i'm in johore and idk what am i doing right noe coz i'm just predecting that i'll be in johore in for two days . So this blog had been typed two days before i came here , my plan is like givin' a suprice for my LOVE cuz its our anniversry . YEPP YEPP ! 14 august 2010 , 1.43a.m , i accepted him .

Nothing much about us ,

grown a lil' old for exzact one year but that will never make us STOP growing , no nothing can do us apart . We're just like some normal couples but ain't lamely lovey dovey like em' . Which means WE FIGHT LIKE CATS && DOGS . i ain't shame of tellin' it , it's quiet cool having sucha fighting relationship , it makes us VEEEERY VEEEEEEEEEERY VEEEEEEERY strong , but its just that those people who CARE abt us and WHEN they starts to solve the fight btwn us THEY JUST DIE . LoL . =D

Well , talking abt us , i'm the girl who hang around most with sneakers , he's a guy who wears t-shirt and shorts with the hair messed up hair when he meets me , you guys should know about the picturization by now . We had never ever dressed up well for our meet ups , i just realise ,but it is sweet for me . We don't love each other for our appearance its abt the true heart , nah ? So why care ! =) I can tell that , when we FIGHT , we fight extreeeeeeam and when we LOVE , we love extreeeeeam , and when we LAUGH , we laugh extreeeeeeam and when we CRY , we cry extreeeeeam and when we do ANYTHING , we do it extreeeeeeeam ! :p

I love him from bottom of my heart and that is like SO MUCH . It's hard to explain cuz it's THAT HUGE . and another thing is i'm sucks in explainin' =) when i falled for him , i changed to someone new . It was like i was fakin' myself all the while and I'M BEEING MYSELF WITH HIM .

ps : baby , this special post is for you wch you ever wanted me to post abt us , i just took longer time cuz i wanted a very NAICE & SPECIAL day to post it . And listen , i might be some normal imperfect GIRL OF YOURS but seriously , my love on you is friggin' HUGE and FUN . We might don't look grand in our appearance and attitudes , but our dreams are FREAKIN GRAND . We'll be holding eachother thru out the upcomin years and never give up on eachother numetta how many HARD TIMES WE GO THRU . Love whatever we do , okay ? We fight , We should LOVE it :p Ngeeeeeehehe ! I LOVE YOUH BONBON BUNS BIG ASS GUMMEYH ! *POOOON PON*

A Lili love of mine to youh ! I Shayang you till i took your memories and kept it . ;)




i'm thinking like , its better beeing a BITCH then a GOOD GF . Bitches are MORE HAPPIER thn the REAL GOOD GF'S going thru HELLAHFFA times . -_-'

s e l f i s h e s . ergh . !


Hey Bloggayh ! imy :p

daaaaaaaaaaang , u know VAT ? i'm seein' this ANIMAL PRINTS everywhere in my Tumblr. especially the leopord prints this past few days . Its like appearin' and appearin' and keeeeeeps appearin' !
&& yeaaaaaaah , as always i'll be addicted to anything eye-catching , so i'm done with this one too :p
So you should figured out by now what i'm gonna CRAP about , yess , it is about ,

Animal Print Fashions .

Afeel like it's s e x y , and it will make ourself feel more stylish and make people envy of us .
God Damn Ladies , You guys should get on more of it and ,
F E E L o u t r a g e o u s
I believe using an Animal Print is very versatile and extremely eye-catching .Pairing some cheetah print shoes with jeans and a tee shirt ? It’s as simple as adding a little animal print to help your fashion style look like a million bucks . $$ *cheeekings*
Weeeeeeeeeeeeepayh . I ain't gonna waaaaaaaaaait to get all'la em' , atleast one !

awwwww , i wish i can HAVE IT ON MY skiiiiin . =(

its all about the raaaaaaaawrness in f a s h i o n . =)

So how about adding a little animal to your life?
Happy Decorating Heaps !



well-dressed-mans .
its freakin' rare of seein' well dress man nowdays , well , the ''well-dress-man'' that i'm c r a p i n' about is , the one who has dress á la mode  , lookin' stunnin' head to toes in a very DIFFERENT way , and does looks special to the peoples eyes , nah ?

And theres most of em' guys are thinkin' that people might think their AWKWARD , NERD , INSANE ? Don't live for the world guys , leave for yourself . We need so much to have it in our life . Its like , you're pale in your life when you don't dress up well ? lol , you know , p a l e .

what i'm trynna say is ,

b r e a k 
t h e 
r u l e s  
b e  
y o u r s e l f  
i n  
d i f f e r e n t 
w a y .
&& don't give a f to N O B O D Y .

X .

ps : it is NOT GAY . it is f a s h i o n .

X .